Book Review: June

To say that I was shocked by this book would be an understatement. When I originally received it, I wasn't TOO excited to read it. Like if I had my way, I probably still wouldn't have read it, but I am so glad that I did. This book was phenomenal! It was a fun read and unexpectedly scandalous, especially considering the scandal revolved around the main character's grandmother! Think: becoming an heiress to a well-known celebrity that you're not related to, a haunted house, a huge hollywood movie shot in a small town and a grandmother skipping town and no one knows why. Oh and sprinkle in a murder. Peaked your interest yet?


  • Author: Miranda Beverly-Whittemore
  • Genre: Fiction - Coming of Age
  • Hardcover: 400 pages
  • Publisher: Crown
  • Release Date: May 31, 2016
  • Time it took me to read: about 2 weeks


June is a coming of age fiction story about a young woman named Cassie who, while dealing with the death of her grandmother becomes the sole heir to celebrity idol Jack Montgomery's fortune... whom she is not related to. To make matters worse, Jack's daughters come knocking on the door to get down to the bottom of how this random woman has become the sole heir to a fortune that is "rightfully" theirs. All together, they figure out what took place 60 years ago and the story behind June and Jack's paths and when they crossed. 


I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I seem to have a knack for books that switch back and forth between time or between characters and this novel does it perfectly. Just when you think it's getting ready to get good and you'll figure out all the pieces of the puzzle, the author throws you back to 1955 or brings you back to present day (2005). It was frustrating, yet worth it because a novel like this doesn't need to give all the clues away too soon. I found myself more intrigued with what was happening in 1955 compared to 2005 because I found the characters in 1955 a bit more interesting and complex. Plus in the case of this book, the past held all the answers to what we needed to know in the present. I personally felt that it got a little cheesy at times with the present day love story but was swooning over the 1955 love story so it was good balance. 



This book won't keep you on the edge of your seat, but it'll keep you interested long enough to get through it. I loved it and if you're into complex family stories, this just might be the novel for you. 4 out of 5 stars. 

I received this free book from Blogging for Books for this review. This is an honest review and all opinions are my own.