Fear of Missing Out.

Y’all... I hate the idea of missing out. I want to be included in everything. I want to be everywhere with everybody.

Obviously, with this pandemic, our calendars have drastically cleared up. When we first started back in February, literally no one was doing anything. Everything was closed, everyone was home.

And through that, I started to realized it became a JOY to miss out.

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Davina McGillComment
"I Am Carried In Arms That Planned Adventure..."

Read this quote in a book one day and I put it on my letter board at work…

… a month before I got let go.

& I am not talking about the “let go” that you see coming, the ones where the writing is CLEARLY on the wall.

It was “We’re making budget cuts and you can leave today. We’ll pay you for the rest of the month.”.


No heads up.

No conversation.

No warning.

Kind of like this season of Covid-19.

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Davina McGillComment
Book Review: If you Find This Letter

...books change you. They mess up your insides. They make you drool over the prospect of being a better human and a better lover and a better friend. They pull at your stomach and leave you raw and open and naked. Books can straight up mangle you and sometimes it’s just better if you let them do their work. - Hannah Brencher

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New Beginnings

Spring has a way of reminding you of new beginnings. It's like the world sort of wakes up from a nap and starts to gear up for Summer, where the real party begins.  So here I am, start of Spring, with an updated site and a fresh perspective on life. 

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My Bucket List: What Curiosity Looks Like to Me

I love this picture. I wholeheartedly believe that I was getting ready to take on the world in this picture. That at the ripe age of 2 I was determined to conquer the world from that driveway. Some hating adult probably stopped me from going to far after this picture was taken, but just know I was getting ready to take off.  This picture only captures a glimpse of whatever was happening on that driveway but that glimpse has continuously been a glimpse into my true self. 

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GoalsDavina McGillComment