Around the World... in 2 Days

In the past few days, I've been learning how to use Pinterest. Everyone tells me about it, but I now see where the addiction comes from and why it is so popular. It is so EASY to lose countless hours of the day on the site, pinning recipes to try, DIY projects, and {one day} wedding inspiration.

This weekend I was tasked with the challenge of dog-sitting so I had nothing but time to craft one of the projects that I had pinned from Pretty Little Details. Below I have listed the steps and materials I used to create this globe. When you have some time, head over to Pinterest and get inspired!


  • 1 can of Spray Paint: For the base/stand of the globe. I chose 24KT Pure Gold.
  • 2 different colors of acrylic paint: I'm using Black and Buttermilk, however feel free to use whatever colors you want! It's your world... literally. 
  • Metallic Pen: Yes, it has to be metallic. It can be whatever color metallic you want, that way it sticks out from the acrylic paint. 
  • Paint brushes

Oh, and of course a globe. I bought mine from Home Goods and originally wanted a smaller globe, but when I saw this beauty I couldn't leave without it. Go big or go home right?

Step One

Outline all the bodies of land with black paint. I suggest a fine point paintbrush to truly get a detailed as possible. Afterward, fill in all of the bodies of water with your paint of choice. 

Step Two

Fill the bodies of land with the second color of paint that you choose from. Note: There are a like a million little islands off the coast of Asia and in the Caribbean sea. I personally did not bother to paint each individual island (sorry Barbados) but I did try to catch the large islands like Madagascar. Paint what you like. 

Step Three

Remove the globe from the base/stand and spray paint. If you don't want to spray it, don't! I personally was not in love with the brown and the black, so I choose to. 

Step Four

Once all the paint dries, write the continents and major bodies of water on the globe. Label as much or as little as you want. Place it somewhere pretty and enjoy!