Books That Have Changed My Life... Thus Far

To say that I am an avid reader would be an understatement. 

Books have been the constant in my life that has brought entertainment, education, and everything in between. 

As an only child, books were the easiest way to fill my time. A life without siblings forces you to learn how to entertain yourself, at all times, and books were my favorite way.

As an adult, books have evolved from being just mere entertainment to sources of enlightenment as I grow in knowledge and as a woman. 

Similar to how I am maturing, books, and the role they play in my life has also grown up and evolved. 

I noticed how my collection of Archie Comics has dwindled down while my bookcase is being filled with bodies of work by James Baldwin and Alice Walker. 

I noticed how I am now more interested in reading a memoir by a woman who’s story could teach and inspire me, then I am to read the latest Baby Sitter’s Club.

Both Archie Comics and the Baby Sitter’s Club were cherished when I was a child, but as I grow up, my reading palette has grown up with me. And though on a slow day, I wouldn’t mind picking up either of those series, my preference would still be to lean towards books that speak to my current outlook on life. And plus, I don’t have time to re-read old books just for kicks & giggles. 

If you’re like me, you have a long TBR list. TBR meaning To Be Read. It’s never-ending and it’s growing at a rate that I can’t sustain. 

Currently, there are 567 books on my TBR list on Goodreads. And if I were to read every book on that list at a rate of 1 book a week, it would take me a little over 10 years to finish that list. 

And that’s assuming, that I won’t add any more to the list. Which we all know won’t happen. 

There will always be another book that I would want to read, experience, and learn from. 

Which is why I love books. 

They’re sources of knowledge and insight that I wouldn’t be able to think of on my own. Everything that you want to know or NEED to know, can be found in a book. 

The difference between Couscous and Quinoa can be found on page 371 of Good Housekeeping’s Step by Step Cookbook. 

Always Say Less Than Necessary, Law #4 in Robert Green’s 48 Laws of Power, can be found on page 31. 

The Proverb ‘Hear instruction and be wise’ can be found on page 668 in my Bible.

Books and the words that accompany them take you places you’ve never been to. 

Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code took me to a crypt in the Louvre. While Zora Neale Hurston has me in the most rural parts of Florida while reading Their Eyes Were Watching God. 

Places that I would have never found otherwise without the help of a book.


I appreciate books because they’re a form of slow media. To truly comprehend a book, you have to sit down and take your time to digest what is being written. 

A book shouldn’t be rushed. Although when you hear other people’s reading goals, you feel like you should be in a race to finish your current book so you can move on to the next. Books, however, should be approached with all dignity that the author intended for you as the reader to appreciate. Like a good meal, it should be consumed slowly and expected that you come back to revisit for pieces and understanding you might have missed the first time. 

There will come a time in your life where you will come across a book 

or two 

or ten 

that will rock you to your core. 

That will have you questioning everything you think you are, and everything you hope to be. 

Books that DEMAND you leave a different person after encountering them. Books that push your own convictions and require you to ask of yourself, why haven’t you changed yet. 

Books that stay with you long after you've finished reading them.

Books that leave an indents in your soul.

Below is a list of books that have done just that. Some have left me speechless, while others have strengthened my voice to speak up and speak out. 

Some, have just been light reads that truly kept me captivated and entertained. While others have left me disturbed and questioning what I know to be true. 

As someone who is always looking for a good book, to add to that long TBR list, I would love to know what some of your favorites are. 

What are you reading? 

What books have changed your life?

This list will forever be evolving and I am SURE that I have left off a few, but for now, here are a few of my favorites, in no particular order.

The 48 Laws of Power. Read this the first year of moving out on my own and my first full-time job. The “Laws” in this book are timeless and helpful in a dog-eat-dog world. I appreciate this book giving me a little boost of confidence as a navigated my first few years away from my parents.

The Last Lecture. A memoir about a dying professor and all the lessons he wanted to pass on to his students and family. Though the ending is obviously sad, the lessons in the book are profound and wise.

Year of Yes. Whew chile. Shonda really knows how to snatch someone together. I have a deep admiration and respect for her and her empire. I want to see her win. She IS winning. This book begins to capture a fraction of that.

Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth. Disciplines. Sounds so serious, and definitely no fun, but this book has reshaped my relationship with God with practical steps that I can follow in different areas of my life.

Eat, Pray, Love. This memoir was one of the first “women empowerment” books that I ever read and I am grateful that this was my first experience. In the day of social media and travel vloggers, dropping everything to travel for a year doesn’t seem like a radical idea, but when I read this book, it was. (Side note: anything Elizabeth Gilbert has written has been stamped certified gold for me. She can do no wrong in the world of literature).

For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf. With a title like that, is there much more that needs to be said?

All the Light We Cannot See. slow whistle. This book is phenomenal. I literally could go on and on about this book. And trust me, ask my friend Brandi, I HAVE gone on and on about this book. To this day, I don’t think I have read a work of fiction that has moved me quite as this book has.

Heavy. This is a more recent read, but still deserving to be on this list. Kiese Laymon has truly written a memoir that is a work of art. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the level of talent.

If You Find This Letter. I wrote a full review of this book here. My thoughts for this book have not changed.

Americanah. Such an amazing story. Literally could not put this book down.

Love Warrior. This secular book strength my relationship with God in a way that I wasn’t expecting. I picked it up for different reasons for what I received, and I am still grateful. God met me in this book. May expand on this later.

The Bible. Speaking of God, He’ll meet me in this book every single time. More than just a book, but for the sake of argument, I will classify it as such, it is full of hope, correction, love, and instruction. 10 out of 10 would recommend.

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