Book Review: Find Your Extraordinary

"This book isn’t about having it all; it’s about having what matters most to you. It is about how to find your extraordinary – your extraordinary career, your extraordinary happiness, your extraordinary life."


  • Author: Jessica Dilullo Herrin (Bio)
  • Genre: Business
  • Hardcover: 272 pages
  • Publisher: Crown Business
  • Release Date: May 3, 2016
  • Time it took me to read: about 1 week, did not finish. 


When I first received this book, I was genuinely excited to read it. You can tell that great thought went into how the book was laid out and how to convey each point. This book was designed to be seen and photographed, so I appreciated the touches of detail. I was excited about this book because it was a book for women, by a successful woman who would give us the keys to "Find Our Extraordinary"..... but I never found it. In today's day and age, it's hard to find someone who hasn't heard many of the phrases that she had in her book like: "Comparison is the Thief of Joy" or "The Power of Positive Thinking", so I was looking for something I had never heard or seen before. Or an idea that was presented in a new and fresh way. I believe this book could be motivational to the right woman, however it's definitely not actionable. In self-help books, I look for ways that I can reflect, act and apply the principles that the author lays out in the book, however I couldn't do that with this book. I do believe that that it's very inspiring in regards to how she started her companies ( and Stella & Dot), however not very applicable. I read a review on Amazon that summarized the book perfectly stating: "this attempt felt to me like a routine stepping stone to growing a new career path in motivational speaking or coaching, rather than a more thoughtful, insightful look at her journey or a very useful tool for those interested in starting their own businesses".


 EH. (3 out of 5)

This book just didn't do it for me. No matter what I am reading, I have always found myself excited to pick up where I left off, and I just didn't feel that excitement with this book.  I found myself unable to focus and less excited about the book as I read on, so I abandoned it... something I RARELY do. I am giving this book a 3 out of 5 just because I think it DOES have the potential to the perfect fit for the right woman, even if it wasn't for me. I really hate that I didn't like this book because I had such high hopes for it, however I do hope that the author will come out with something again, something that I can bite my teeth into and REALLY find my extraordinary. 

I received this free book from Blogging for Books for this review. This is an honest review and all opinions are my own.