Gratitude Journal No. 1

Little peek inside my journal this morning. 

I’ve recently incorporated gratitude journaling in my routine. With everything going on, now more than ever, I need daily reminders of all that I’m grateful for. 

And I can’t shake that last line. It requires a pause from me. 

Grateful for friends that trust me with their stories and their truth. 


The weight of someone allowing you in to the highs and the lows is something I never want to take for granted. The significant and the mundane. The terrors that haunt them at night & the art they create in the morning.

I’ve walked through some THINGS with my friends and that could have only happen with a deep level of trust. 

Trust that there’s accountability instead of judgement. 

That there’s guidance (if needed & asked for) instead of critique. 

That there’s understanding and love. 

This doesn’t come easy, it requires work and intentionality on several levels. But the pay off. 

The pay off is always worth it. 

For the ones that trust me with 

your story 

and your family 

and your art 

and your truth 

no matter how unpolished, uncomfortable, and straight up messy it is...

Thank you. ❤️

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