The Biggest Lie I've Ever Told

Okay so it's time for a confession. 

EVERY year for the past 5 years, I have told this lie. I've told it to family, friends and I've said it so much that I even started to believe myself. Today, I've decided that I'm done lying and I'm coming clean here... on my blog. 

EVERY year for the past 5 years, I have told myself (and others) that I am never driving to Florida again, and here we are, one more drive away because:

I'm moving.

To Florida.

In 2 weeks. 

& I'm taking my Best Friend with me. 

*throws emoji confetti*

I've finally been able to come to clean and it feels good! Mike and I have known we were moving since about April, and it's been hard not mention it to everyone in passing. We're both over the moon excited and can't wait for this next chapter in our lives. 

The DMV has been the perfect backdrop for life after college in my early twenties. In Maryland, I was far enough away from home in order to feel like I was really "on my own", yet close enough to Delaware to visit my family as much as needed.  With DC in my backyard, it was fun being close to the city, without having to always be IN the city. I could go out for drinks with friends, or meet for dinner, yet crawl back to my quiet corner in Silver Spring at the end of the day. The DMV has been great, but it's time to move on. 

5 years ago, I moved to Orlando, Florida on a whim to participate in the Disney Program. Though that was seriously one of the best summers of my life, I was not ready for a move like that, especially on my own. I'm so ready to go back to Florida, but in a different city (West Palm Beach) and with Mike with me this time. With us both looking to start in new industries and already having solid connections where we're going, it feels right to be going at this time.

My very first post, I wrote about a woman who quit her job to move to the Virgin Islands. That woman and article left such an impression on me and how I want to live the rest of my life. I was, and still am, so inspired by this woman's audacity and it reminded me that I could DO that and so much more. I'm not really interested in moving to the Caribbean (at this time), but I am interested in gorgeous year round weather (West Palm Beach has an average of 348 days above 70 degrees, can we all say: yassss). I'm interested in living 15 mins from a beach and an hour from Miami. I'm interested in a change of scenery. But more importantly, I'm interested in what could be. I have NO clue if Mike and I will love it or hate it, but that's what excites me most is finding out regardless. 

I recently read this quote that said: "At the end of the day, it isn't where I came from. Maybe home is somewhere I'm going and never have been before." So let's do it Florida! We'll be seeing you in 2 weeks and we're excited to call you home. 

To be continued...


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